Introduction to Communication Skills
Target Audience
This introductory communicative programme is aimed at all employees in non-managerial positions, who are interested in developing professional behaviour to improve their interaction with internal and external customers.
Course Overview
This introductory level workshop aims to explore human behaviour and to find ways in which staff can be more effective in dealings with others. It is aimed at those who perform non-managerial tasks at work, and who often lack the confidence or experience to deal with their colleagues and managers effectively.
It covers: Improving listening skills; answering the telephone and taking a good message; checking instructions for understanding; creating daily goodwill in the office; and increasing self-confidence so that the learner can interact effectively with others.
This Introduction to Communication Skills workshop is targeted at an elementary level and will give delegates a basic introduction to what communication is, and how important it is to understand the principles of interpersonal reactions and relationships in the workplace. It offers practical skills to improve communication with colleagues and clients.
Specific Outcomes Covered
To understand the role of communication in the organisation.
To improve listening skills to ensure clarity of understanding and interpretation of information / instruction.
To improve self-image and stress the importance of having a good attitude.
To become more confident and assertive in dealing with colleagues and clients.
To be able to answer the telephone effectively and create good first impression.
To take an effective message on the telephone.
To make the most of the ‘Welcome process’ in the work environment.
To understand the importance of using people's names correctly.
To give specific verbal techniques to check for understanding and minimise conflict at work.
To understand the importance of body language in the workplace.
To ensure that learners know how use positive body language.
To understand the non-verbal signals sent to us by others.
To apply practical skills to maximise daily goodwill in the office.
Training Medium
Interactive outcome-based workshop, including a Living Dynamics’ learner workbook, practical exercises. PowerPoint slides and various games, role-plays and communicative activities.
NQF Level : 2
Credits Awarded: 5
Duration: Two days
Applicable Unit Standard: Behave in a professional manner in a business environment (14359 US. No.)